home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: Subroutines .h */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- // Fichier librairie .h
- #ifndef HTS_DEFH
- #define HTS_DEFH
- /* dΘfinitions globales */
- #include "htsglobal.h"
- /* basic net definitions */
- #include "htsbase.h"
- #include "htsbasenet.h"
- #include "htsnet.h"
- /* cookies et auth */
- #include "htsbauth.h"
- // Attention, dΘfinition existante Θgalement dans le shell
- // (α modifier avec celle-ci)
- #define POSTTOK "?>post"
- #include "htsopt.h"
- // structure pour paramΦtres supplΘmentaires lors de la requΩte
- typedef struct {
- short int user_agent_send; // user agent (ex: httrack/1.0 [sun])
- short int http11; // l'en tΩte peut (doit) Ωtre signΘ HTTP/1.1 et non HTTP/1.0
- short int nokeepalive; // pas de keep-alive
- short int range_used; // Range utilisΘ
- short int nocompression; // Pas de compression
- short int flush_garbage; // recycled
- char user_agent[128];
- char referer[256];
- char from[256];
- char lang_iso[64];
- t_proxy proxy; // proxy
- } htsrequest;
- // structure pour retour d'une connexion/prise d'en tΩte
- typedef struct {
- int statuscode; // status-code, -1=erreur, 200=OK,201=..etc (cf RFC1945)
- short int notmodified; // page ou fichier NON modifiΘ (transfΘrΘ)
- short int is_write; // sortie sur disque (out) ou en mΘmoire (adr)
- short int is_chunk; // mode chunk
- short int compressed; // compressΘ?
- short int empty; // vide?
- short int keep_alive; // Keep-Alive?
- short int keep_alive_trailers; // ..with trailers extension
- int keep_alive_t; // KA timeout
- int keep_alive_max; // KA number of requests
- char* adr; // adresse du bloc de mΘmoire, NULL=vide
- char* headers; // adresse des en tΩtes si prΘsents
- FILE* out; // Θcriture directe sur disque (si is_write=1)
- LLint size; // taille fichier
- char msg[80]; // message Θventuel si Θchec ("\0"=non prΘcisΘ)
- char contenttype[64]; // content-type ("text/html" par exemple)
- char charset[64]; // charset ("iso-8859-1" par exemple)
- char contentencoding[64]; // content-encoding ("gzip" par exemple)
- char* location; // on copie dedans Θventuellement la vΘritable 'location'
- LLint totalsize; // taille totale α tΘlΘcharger (-1=inconnue)
- short int is_file; // ce n'est pas une socket mais un descripteur de fichier si 1
- T_SOC soc; // ID socket
- SOCaddr address; // IP address
- int address_size; // IP address structure length
- FILE* fp; // fichier pour file://
- short int ssl; // is this connection a SSL one? (https)
- // BIO* ssl_soc; // SSL structure
- SSL * ssl_con; // connection structure
- #endif
- char lastmodified[64]; // Last-Modified
- char etag[64]; // Etag
- char cdispo[256]; // Content-Disposition coupΘ
- LLint crange; // Content-Range
- int debugid; // debug connection
- /* */
- htsrequest req; // paramΦtres pour la requΩte
- /*char digest[32+2]; // digest md5 gΘnΘrΘ par le moteur ("" si non gΘnΘrΘ)*/
- } htsblk;
- /* ANCIENNE STURCTURE pour cache 1.0 */
- typedef struct {
- int statuscode; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - status-code, -1=erreur, 200=OK,201=..etc (cf RFC1945)
- int notmodified; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - page ou fichier NON modifiΘ (transfΘrΘ)
- int is_write; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - sortie sur disque (out) ou en mΘmoire (adr)
- char* adr; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - adresse du bloc de mΘmoire, NULL=vide
- FILE* out; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - Θcriture directe sur disque (si is_write=1)
- int size; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - taille fichier
- char msg[80]; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - message Θventuel si Θchec ("\0"=non prΘcisΘ)
- char contenttype[64]; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - content-type ("text/html" par exemple)
- char* location; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - on copie dedans Θventuellement la vΘritable 'location'
- int totalsize; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - taille totale α tΘlΘcharger (-1=inconnue)
- int is_file; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - ce n'est pas une socket mais un descripteur de fichier si 1
- T_SOC soc; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - ID socket
- FILE* fp; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - fichier pour file://
- t_proxy proxy; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - proxy
- int user_agent_send; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - user agent (ex: httrack/1.0 [sun])
- char user_agent[64];
- int http11; // ANCIENNE STURCTURE - l'en tΩte doit Ωtre signΘ HTTP/1.1 et non HTTP/1.0
- } OLD_htsblk;
- /* fin ANCIENNE STURCTURE pour cache 1.0 */
- // cache pour le dns, pour Θviter de faire des gethostbyname sans arrΩt
- typedef struct t_dnscache {
- char iadr[1024];
- struct t_dnscache* n;
- char host_addr[HTS_MAXADDRLEN]; // 4 octets (v4), ou 16 octets (v6)
- int host_length; // 4 normalement - ==0 alors en cours de rΘsolution
- // ou >16 si sockaddr
- // ==-1 alors erreur (host n'Θxiste pas)
- } t_dnscache;
- /* Library internal definictions */
- // fonctions unix/winsock
- int hts_read(htsblk* r,char* buff,int size);
- //int HTS_TOTAL_RECV_CHECK(int var);
- LLint check_downloadable_bytes(int rate);
- HTSEXT_API int hts_init(void);
- HTSEXT_API int hts_uninit(void);
- #endif
- // fonctions principales
- int http_fopen(char* adr,char* fil,htsblk* retour);
- int http_xfopen(int mode,int treat,int waitconnect,char* xsend,char* adr,char* fil,htsblk* retour);
- int http_sendhead(t_cookie* cookie,int mode,char* xsend,char* adr,char* fil,char* referer_adr,char* referer_fil,htsblk* retour);
- htsblk httpget(char* url);
- //int newhttp(char* iadr,char* err=NULL);
- int newhttp(char* iadr,htsblk* retour,int port,int waitconnect);
- HTS_INLINE void deletehttp(htsblk* r);
- HTS_INLINE int deleteaddr(htsblk* r);
- HTS_INLINE void deletesoc(T_SOC soc);
- HTS_INLINE void deletesoc_r(htsblk* r);
- htsblk http_location(char* adr,char* fil,char* loc);
- htsblk http_test(char* adr,char* fil,char* loc);
- int check_readinput(htsblk* r);
- int check_readinput_t(T_SOC soc, int timeout);
- void http_fread(T_SOC soc,htsblk* retour);
- LLint http_fread1(htsblk* r);
- void treathead(t_cookie* cookie,char* adr,char* fil,htsblk* retour,char* rcvd);
- void treatfirstline(htsblk* retour,char* rcvd);
- HTSEXT_API void infostatuscode(char* msg,int statuscode);
- #endif
- // sous-fonctions
- htsblk xhttpget(char* adr,char* fil);
- htsblk http_gethead(char* adr,char* fil);
- LLint http_xfread1(htsblk* r,int bufl);
- HTS_INLINE t_hostent* hts_gethostbyname(char* iadr, void* v_buffer);
- HTSEXT_API t_hostent* vxgethostbyname(char* hostname, void* v_buffer);
- #endif
- t_hostent* _hts_ghbn(t_dnscache* cache,char* iadr,t_hostent* retour);
- int ftp_available(void);
- void hts_cache_free(t_dnscache* cache);
- int hts_dnstest(char* _iadr);
- t_dnscache* _hts_cache(void);
- int _hts_lockdns(int i);
- #endif
- // outils divers
- HTS_INLINE TStamp time_local(void);
- HTSEXT_API HTS_INLINE TStamp mtime_local(void);
- #endif
- void sec2str(char *s,TStamp t);
- HTSEXT_API void qsec2str(char *st,TStamp t);
- #endif
- void time_gmt_rfc822(char* s);
- void time_local_rfc822(char* s);
- struct tm* convert_time_rfc822(char* s);
- int set_filetime(char* file,struct tm* tm_time);
- int set_filetime_rfc822(char* file,char* date);
- int get_filetime_rfc822(char* file,char* date);
- HTS_INLINE void time_rfc822(char* s,struct tm * A);
- HTS_INLINE void time_rfc822_local(char* s,struct tm * A);
- HTSEXT_API char* int2char(int n);
- HTSEXT_API char* int2bytes(LLint n);
- HTSEXT_API char* int2bytessec(long int n);
- HTSEXT_API char** int2bytes2(LLint n);
- #endif
- HTS_INLINE int sendc(htsblk* r, char* s);
- int finput(int fd,char* s,int max);
- int binput(char* buff,char* s,int max);
- int linput(FILE* fp,char* s,int max);
- int linputsoc(T_SOC soc, char* s, int max);
- int linputsoc_t(T_SOC soc, char* s, int max, int timeout);
- int linput_trim(FILE* fp,char* s,int max);
- int linput_cpp(FILE* fp,char* s,int max);
- void rawlinput(FILE* fp,char* s,int max);
- char* strstrcase(char *s,char *o);
- int ident_url_absolute(char* url,char* adr,char* fil);
- void fil_simplifie(char* f);
- int is_unicode_utf8(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int size);
- void map_characters(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int size, unsigned int* map);
- int ishtml(const char* urlfil);
- int ishtml_ext(const char* a);
- int ishttperror(int err);
- void guess_httptype(char *s,const char *fil);
- void get_httptype(char *s,const char *fil,int flag);
- int get_userhttptype(int setdefs,char *s,const char *ext);
- void give_mimext(char *s,char *st);
- int is_knowntype(const char *fil);
- int is_userknowntype(const char *fil);
- int is_dyntype(const char *fil);
- char* get_ext(const char *fil);
- int may_unknown(const char* st);
- HTSEXT_API char* jump_identification(char*);
- HTSEXT_API char* jump_normalized(char*);
- HTSEXT_API char* jump_toport(char*);
- HTSEXT_API char* fil_normalized(char* source, char* dest);
- HTSEXT_API char* adr_normalized(char* source, char* dest);
- #endif
- char* strrchr_limit(char* s, char c, char* limit);
- char* strstr_limit(char* s, char* sub, char* limit);
- HTS_INLINE char* jump_protocol(char* source);
- void code64(unsigned char* a,int size_a,unsigned char* b,int crlf);
- HTSEXT_API void unescape_amp(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API void escape_spc_url(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API void escape_in_url(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API void escape_uri(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API void escape_uri_utf(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API void escape_check_url(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API char* escape_check_url_addr(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API void x_escape_http(char* s,int mode);
- HTSEXT_API void escape_remove_control(char* s);
- #endif
- int ehexh(char c);
- HTSEXT_API char* unescape_http(char* s);
- HTSEXT_API char* unescape_http_unharm(char* s, int no_high);
- HTSEXT_API char* antislash_unescaped(char* s);
- #endif
- int ehex(char* s);
- char* concat(const char* a,const char* b);
- #define copychar(a) concat((a),NULL)
- char* fconcat(char* a,char* b);
- char* fconv(char* a);
- #else
- #define fconv(a) (a)
- #define fconcat(a,b) concat(a,b)
- #endif
- char* fslash(char* a);
- char* __fslash(char* a);
- char* convtolower(char* a);
- char* concat(const char* a,const char* b);
- void hts_lowcase(char* s);
- void hts_replace(char *s,char from,char to);
- void fprintfio(FILE* fp,char* buff,char* prefix);
- #if HTS_WIN
- #else
- int sig_ignore_flag( int setflag ); // flag ignore
- #endif
- void cut_path(char* fullpath,char* path,char* pname);
- int fexist(char* s);
- /*LLint fsize(char* s); */
- INTsys fpsize(FILE* fp);
- INTsys fsize(char* s);
- /* root dir */
- HTSEXT_API char* hts_rootdir(char* file);
- #endif
- // Threads
- typedef void* ( *beginthread_type )( void * );
- unsigned long _beginthread( beginthread_type start_address, unsigned stack_size, void *arglist );
- #endif
- /* variables globales */
- //extern LLint HTS_TOTAL_RECV; // flux entrant reτu
- //extern int HTS_TOTAL_RECV_STATE; // status: 0 tout va bien 1: ralentir un peu 2: ralentir 3: beaucoup
- extern HTSEXT_API hts_stat_struct HTS_STAT;
- extern int _DEBUG_HEAD;
- extern FILE* ioinfo;
- /* constantes */
- extern const char* hts_mime_keep[];
- extern const char* hts_mime[][2];
- extern const char* hts_main_mime[];
- extern const char* hts_detect[];
- extern const char* hts_detectbeg[];
- extern const char* hts_nodetect[];
- extern const char* hts_detectURL[];
- extern const char* hts_detectandleave[];
- extern const char* hts_detect_js[];
- // defaut wrappers
- void __cdecl htsdefault_init(void);
- void __cdecl htsdefault_uninit(void);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_start(void* opt);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_chopt(void* opt);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_end(void);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_checkhtml(char* html,int len,char* url_adresse,char* url_fichier);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_loop(void* back,int back_max,int back_index,int lien_n,int lien_tot,int stat_time,hts_stat_struct* stats);
- char* __cdecl htsdefault_query(char* question);
- char* __cdecl htsdefault_query2(char* question);
- char* __cdecl htsdefault_query3(char* question);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_check(char* adr,char* fil,int status);
- void __cdecl htsdefault_pause(char* lockfile);
- void __cdecl htsdefault_filesave(char*);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_linkdetected(char* link);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_xfrstatus(void* back);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_savename(char* adr_complete,char* fil_complete,char* referer_adr,char* referer_fil,char* save);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_sendheader(char* buff, char* adr, char* fil, char* referer_adr, char* referer_fil, htsblk* outgoing);
- int __cdecl htsdefault_receiveheader(char* buff, char* adr, char* fil, char* referer_adr, char* referer_fil, htsblk* incoming);
- // end defaut wrappers
- // htsmodule.c definitions
- extern void* getFunctionPtr(httrackp* opt, char* file, char* fncname);
- extern void clearCallbacks(htscallbacks* chain);
- #endif // internals
- /* Spaces: CR,LF,TAB,FF */
- #define is_space(c) ( ((c)==' ') || ((c)=='\"') || ((c)==10) || ((c)==13) || ((c)==9) || ((c)==12) || ((c)==11) || ((c)=='\'') )
- #define is_realspace(c) ( ((c)==' ') || ((c)==10) || ((c)==13) || ((c)==9) || ((c)==12) || ((c)==11) )
- #define is_taborspace(c) ( ((c)==' ') || ((c)==9) )
- #define is_quote(c) ( ((c)=='\"') || ((c)=='\'') )
- #define is_retorsep(c) ( ((c)==10) || ((c)==13) || ((c)==9) )
- //HTS_INLINE int is_space(char);
- //HTS_INLINE int is_realspace(char);
- // compare le dΘbut de f avec s et retourne la position de la fin
- // 'A=a' (case insensitive)
- static int strfield(const char* f,const char* s) {
- int r=0;
- while (streql(*f,*s) && ((*f)!=0) && ((*s)!=0)) { f++; s++; r++; }
- if (*s==0)
- return r;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- static int strcmpnocase(char* a,char* b) {
- while(*a) {
- int cmp = hichar(*a) - hichar(*b);
- if (cmp != 0)
- return cmp;
- a++;
- b++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #define strfield2(f,s) ( (strlen(f)!=strlen(s)) ? 0 : (strfield(f,s)) )
- // is this MIME an hypertext MIME (text/html), html/js-style or other script/text type?
- #define HTS_HYPERTEXT_DEFAULT_MIME "text/html"
- #define is_hypertext_mime__(a) \
- ( (strfield2((a),"text/html")!=0)\
- || (strfield2((a),"application/x-javascript")!=0) \
- || (strfield2((a),"text/css")!=0) \
- /*|| (strfield2((a),"text/vnd.wap.wml")!=0)*/ \
- || (strfield2((a),"image/svg+xml")!=0) \
- || (strfield2((a),"image/svg-xml")!=0) \
- /*|| (strfield2((a),"audio/x-pn-realaudio")!=0) */\
- || (strfield2((a),"application/x-authorware-map")!=0) \
- )
- #define may_be_hypertext_mime__(a) \
- (\
- (strfield2((a),"audio/x-pn-realaudio")!=0) \
- || (strfield2((a),"audio/x-mpegurl")!=0) \
- )
- /* Library internal definictions */
- // check if (mime, file) is hypertext
- static int is_hypertext_mime(const char* mime, const char* file) {
- if (is_hypertext_mime__(mime))
- return 1;
- if (may_unknown(mime)) {
- char guessed[256];
- guessed[0] = '\0';
- guess_httptype(guessed, file);
- return is_hypertext_mime__(guessed);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // check if (mime, file) might be "false" hypertext
- static int may_be_hypertext_mime(const char* mime, const char* file) {
- if (may_be_hypertext_mime__(mime))
- return 1;
- if (file != NULL && file[0] != '\0' && may_unknown(mime)) {
- char guessed[256];
- guessed[0] = '\0';
- guess_httptype(guessed, file);
- return may_be_hypertext_mime__(guessed);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // compare (mime, file) with reference
- static int compare_mime(const char* mime, const char* file, const char* reference) {
- if (is_hypertext_mime__(mime) || may_be_hypertext_mime__(mime))
- return strfield2(mime, reference);
- if (file != NULL && file[0] != '\0' && may_unknown(mime)) {
- char guessed[256];
- guessed[0] = '\0';
- guess_httptype(guessed, file);
- return strfield2(guessed, reference);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #endif